Monday, March 9, 2009

Why 'Digital Asp'?

An excellent question.

The short answer? I love Cleopatra, and digital toys intrigue me.

Of course, the short answer isn't very interesting. The long answer is that I'm kind of in the process of figuring out who I am. When I was in college, I did a lot of online gaming. In the online MUDD (Multi-User Dungeons and Dragons) world, I was known as Asp--a relatively bad-ass Ninja who liked to have fun while beating up bunnies. I'm pretty sure I'm not that gal anymore; at least my husband hopes I'm not!

That's where the digital part comes in. That's what I do now, digital stuff. It's pretty hard to define what I do more clearly or precisely than that. Any one week I may be working on process improvement, creating a marketing email, determining research for a new online curriculum, tagging something (poorly), brainstorming (pretty damn well), or trying to figure out how to convince my boss that selling 15 Kindle books in a week is worth discussing.

So which one am I, really? Somewhere in between I think. I would give my left arm to be able to get onto Second Life (my connex is way too slow) and could definitely get into killing some bunnies on WoW (see slow connex comment) but both are way too addicting for a mom-of-two. Still pretty hard to believe that's me--but I am!

Also hard to believe I've been married for 10 years, but that happened just last Friday. Yuppers, as of March 6, 2009, I have been married for 10 loooonnnnggg years. Not that I don't love my husband, but I still spend a lot of time wondering what my life would be like if I hadn't gotten married.

No children.

Likely no house.

Doubtful I'd be living in Tennessee, and definitely wouldn't be living in the 'burbs.

Maybe, just maybe, I'd still be working for GE . . .Maybe overseas somewhere. I always wanted to go into business overseas. Japan called to me deeply when I was there for 6 weeks in high school. I never wanted to leave. The ultimate culture of kaizen (continuous, incremental improvement) is something that just speaks to me.

I can't handle standing still.

I can't handle going backwards.

I can't handle stagnation, yet I feel like I'm stagnating.

I haven't finished my master's degree.

I'm a mid-level manager doing company strategy--WTH?

I don't know what our strategy should be . . . but I keep thinking and looking.

How does this all fit together?

Digital Asp.

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